Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Quick Question...

Sam Kinison understood the fucking frustration that a man can feel, when trying to keep the peace with a woman who he has found himself living under the thumb of. You don't even realize it's fucking happening, until you are actually under that thumb, either. Then, of course, it's too late. Most men will never come out and say this, but due to the anonymity afforded by blogging, I can fess up and maybe experience some cathartic relief.

Now that I've said all that shit, I have a question:  If this sounds familiar, doesn't this awareness sometimes make you just want to commit fucking murder? Or worse, take your own life? Yeah, me too.

That is all; as you were.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just My Take On A Couple Things

First of all, anything with a "we're on your side" type of title such as "Anti-Piracy Act" would probably be as full of shit as something like the "Patriot Act", which isn't about patriotism in the least. (it is, in effect, more about getting rid of or silencing any remaining patriots) On that same note, I wonder at the wisdom of 'blacking out' the alternative sites, in protest. Isn't that somewhat like playing into the hands of those who want to have that happen permanently? I applaud for their (Rivero's, actually) sound decision to stay online in case an up-to-the-minute, alternative response to the pervasive bullshit becomes necessary.

The American version of people control is so fucking slimy. Other countries, like Egypt or China, just tell the people outright, "We're shutting down the Net. Fuck you." In America, it's more like "This is for your own good, and here's why". And all the obedient little sheeple just fucking buy it completely. Well maybe not all, but enough of them anyway.

I heard some asshole on the radio today who offered the giant bit of wisdom that twenty years ago, in other words 'pre-Internet', we used to "just go to the library." Yeah, well thanks a lot Braniac. 100 years ago, we used to just hop a boat to travel to most other countries, too. (in fact wasn't it almost exactly 100 years ago that we had the Titanic to help us with that?) We also had the telegraph and the US Mail. But no penicillin. So, fuck you and your genius brain, fucktard. Of course it's still a 'free-country', and you don't have to listen to me. You're quite free to not fuck yourself; at least for now.

Sit-ins, protests and petitions, oh my. Surely the Powers That Be will listen to the voice of the people, right? Uh, I seem to recall something called the Zapruder film. So much for standing up against the fucks who really run things. Here in the good ol' USA, Congressmen, Senators and Judges (i.e. the Supreme ones) will continue to recognize which side of the bread is buttered. (did I forget to mention Presidents?) Biting the hand that 'feeds' you is not only dangerous; it's fatal. So, go ahead and voice your opinion. It's good exercise for the vocal cords, although that's about it. I've done a shitload of homework (research via the Internet) on these very subjects; you can too....for now. Or, as they say in the land of the once brave and free, "Hurry now, while supplies last!"

I think George Carlin was right; this world was doomed when it handed over the power to the traders and the priests.

Hey, for those who have lost their hope in a savior (alien or otherwise) coming down from the sky to save the non-wicked (is there any among us?), how about this for a solution to the foul mess that covers the planet: A huge fucking asteroid the size of Mount Everest! That would sure clean up the stench, now wouldn't it? Sorry, it's just my new religion; I couldn't help but try to proselytize.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pandora's Box

I'm just sick at heart about what I've learned so far, regarding the state of the world and those who run it. Recently, I was reminded of a video of one of George Carlin's last bits, which talks about the Owners of America. He comes so close to just naming names, it's a wonder he lived to the age he did.

The money that runs the world -- the international banking cartel, the financiers who make deals with both sides of any armed conflict -- are not comfortable when anyone gets close to naming them. I imagine most that have come anywhere near close to exposing them have met their demise "with extreme prejudice."

I regret having taken LSD in the mid-1960's, as it seems to have stretched my brain out enough to entertain all this horrific shit. I don't believe in Destiny, Religion, Santa Clause or the Lone Ranger, so that leaves me kinda hopeless.

My dream/nightmare of a hugely insubordinate military, backing an angry mob of billions of oppressed citizens, is not anywhere near feasible, much less likely to happen in any capacity. The hatred in my 'heart' is so intense I can barely stand it. I want to be one of those who hoists up every Death Cult Motherfucker, upside-down, Mussolini-style.

What the fuck is wrong with me, that I have to stand at the edge of the very pit of Hell and look down to see how incredibly ugly shit can get?

I don't even have a god to pray to help me out of this shit-hole of a state of mind. Positive thinking? Right. Religion, New Age Teachers, Leaders, Gurus, Priests, etc...they're all phonies. Sadly, I've done my homework this time. There are no solid answers.

The meds are not working.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Staying On Topic

Both the title of this blog, and the previous post, had me thinking it was time to allow some deeper penetration into the mind of Nick, as it were.

The world-wide pedophile community (or ring), which I've heard called the Pedophocracy, is in the news again. This time, it almost seems as if the journalists on the case are sincerely trying to report the implications of this sexual child-abuse mess that is so prevalent in today's world. I say almost, because I ain't buying it, folks.

The "buying out" of the world news community was finalized with the death of investigative journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, when she somehow went with suicide instead of following through with her planned expose on the Kennedy Assassination, based on her interview with Jack Ruby. True journalists, as far as I'm concerned, became a thing of the past with that event. They fucking got the message, is what I mean.

That rascal Jack Ruby, by the way, died shortly after the interview of that "fast-acting" cancer that was so common back in that decade. Common at least to those with evidence that conflicted with the Warren Report. The ones who didn't get cancer, just seemed to find everything too much to bear and committed suicide, I guess to avoid having cancer take them out.

So, with that wordy preface, I come to my point: What is the purpose in throwing the whole Catholic Church to the dogs, even though it probably deserves to go down in disgrace? The powers that control the media seem to be okay with it. Is The Church being sacrificed, much like a Bernie Madoff? Might it be in someone's best interest to dispense with the whole Catholic Church? The implications are immensely mind-boggling. I mean, who will run the "new inquisitions" if The Church is defunct? Something new is around the corner, and it probably isn't pretty.

Warning: If you take a journey inside the mind of Nick Theil, you should probably bring some Excedrin along with you. Headaches abound, in this neck of the woods.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Media Spin On Things

A recent development on the Haitian disaster, in the news right now, is that a "Christian group" from Idaho tried to illegally remove children from that country to the Dominican Republic, supposedly for humanitarian reasons.

The BBC reported that the "head of counter trafficking" at the International Office of Migration referred to it as "cowboy adoption." In my mind, that is quite different from "illegal abduction", which it actually is, by all the reports I have seen. No paperwork; no permission = illegal.

Nevertheless, the head of counter trafficking at the IOM, Richard Danziger, reported that although they had "good intentions" (I guess he would know, since he's both a mind-reader and a diviner of intention), they shouldn't be going about it in this way. Really? Well, I don't yet know much about the IOM, although I soon will, but I trust Christians about as far as I can toss an adult one.

With a number of books, articles and blogs available, to cause one pause in thinking about child-trafficking in general, this a very disturbing bit of news. More disturbing is the British news helping to minimize the offense, by offering the re-defining (or should I say re-framing) of the actions of these supposed humanitarians. Furthermore, at least one person at the IOM is either incredibly naive or maybe even complicit.

After reading books like The Franklin Scandal and Programmed To Kill, you might just become as disturbed as I, regarding the implications of all this. Just a swift Google search using the phrase 'pedophile ring' is enough to get a starter education in this dark side to those who feign compassion for the world's children.

I keep asking myself (since I know of no one else to ask) just how many heads of the Hydra can be lopped off to bring this beast down. Are there enough swords and swordsmen to accomplish the task? So far, the answer is "Only in your dreams, man."

Nick to Captain Kirk--get me off this fucking planet.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The "Twin Deity" Lie

Just recently, I became aware of an online conversation between some people who were acquainted with a friend of mine who passed away some twenty years ago. It seems that twenty years prior to his death he had done some crazy things, that put at least one of the conversants in Harm's way.

The one who started the conversation had blogged about an incident where my friend had, while inebriated, shot a gun in the direction of the protagonist, a self-proclaimed Satanist. The shots were actually fired randomly in the general direction of a house a block or more away, in a fit of misdirected rage. The Satanist, also blogging about this incident of two decades passed, claimed to have been avenged by the Devil two decades after the fact; presumably because she was an advocate of Satan worship. In her report, she stated that my friend had died 'mysteriously' in an alley, behind a dumpster, inferring that Satan had righted the wrongs years later, by killing my friend. She ended with, "Satan save the Queen", in that she claims to be some Devil worshiping "queen" of some kind. In actuality, my friend drank himself to death that day.

I wanted to interject my observations, but it seemed ill advised since I don't really know the individuals involved, nor do I have the full story of the death of my long-lost friend. Additionally, I trust religious zealots [of any way, shape or form] about as far as I can spit. Which quickly leads to my points. Satan, in this case, is portrayed as being more than a little schizophrenic. The drunken actions of my friend were certainly 'devilish' by any standard. I can, in a dark-humored way, imagine him explaining to the authorities that "the Devil made me do it", regarding random firing of a weapon in city limits. Furthermore, I frequently heard my friend say that he had a demon, and knew him by name. Does Satan kill one worshiper to benefit another? Does he punish a follower for acting in a way that more resembles an attempt at endearing the Devil than anything? There are some real problems here. It appears that Satan is very, very much like the very 'God' that I was raised to believe in by a psychotic parent, in a psychotically religious town.

So, after some more thought about this whole reading adventure, I decided that if one were to believe in these deities [and their common places in the old fables we are told], one would soon come to the conclusion that they are actually twins. Or, just as likely, the avenging God and the avenging Devil are one in the same. Now that I recall, I believe I heard someone once say that "God is schizophrenic." It does make sense, in context. Context aside, I do not believe any of this hogwash for a New York moment. To quote George Carlin, "It's all bullshit, and it's bad for ya."

I had never quite looked at these idiotic ideas in this light before. It tends to make the deities in question almost laughable. When looked at in this perspective they are actually preposterous.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Spare me the stupid-ass hate emails about Obama

When I get an email about some of the stripping away of civil rights that is rampant in the USA, I am encouraged by the increased awareness of the problem. A recent one is about how INTERPOL has been granted immunity in their actions within US borders. As often happens, the email contained a mixture of true and inaccurate information. With Snopes, UrbanLegends and just plain Googling one can verify and qualify these emails.

What irks me to no end, is when the email begins with something on the order of an insult or accusation followed by the name Obama, thus trying to add credence or verification to the alert. Epithets like Muslim President, or Terrorist President, or any number of defamatory titles, don't do much more than turn me off from the story and sour the chances of my giving much legitimacy to the email that follows. It actually acts very much like cursing or an over-abundance of profanity; I tune the rant out. Too bad, in the case of an otherwise serious email notice.

Here's a question: What kind of bone-headed idiot thinks that Obama is anyone? Are people so duped and brain-dead that they think that Obama is truly running anything other than his mouth? I learned long ago, and so did Obama, that if an American president doesn't play ball with the Power Elite/Military Industrial Complex/Insiders--who finance both sides of any war and control the world-wide propaganda machine known as The Media--the best he can hope for is a "last warning", by something like receiving a video rendering of the Zapruder film with his head super-imposed over John F. Kennedy's. It's that cut and dried. Believing that Obama is anyone who truly holds any decision-making power, other than deciding how he's going to cover his ass, is living in a deep delusion. It would be like thinking that Bob Saget controls policy on NBC. Obama is nothing more than a slick announcer for a very dangerous TV show called America.

So, spare me the fucking lame emails. Even if the content is credible, I won't get that far.
