Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just My Take On A Couple Things

First of all, anything with a "we're on your side" type of title such as "Anti-Piracy Act" would probably be as full of shit as something like the "Patriot Act", which isn't about patriotism in the least. (it is, in effect, more about getting rid of or silencing any remaining patriots) On that same note, I wonder at the wisdom of 'blacking out' the alternative sites, in protest. Isn't that somewhat like playing into the hands of those who want to have that happen permanently? I applaud for their (Rivero's, actually) sound decision to stay online in case an up-to-the-minute, alternative response to the pervasive bullshit becomes necessary.

The American version of people control is so fucking slimy. Other countries, like Egypt or China, just tell the people outright, "We're shutting down the Net. Fuck you." In America, it's more like "This is for your own good, and here's why". And all the obedient little sheeple just fucking buy it completely. Well maybe not all, but enough of them anyway.

I heard some asshole on the radio today who offered the giant bit of wisdom that twenty years ago, in other words 'pre-Internet', we used to "just go to the library." Yeah, well thanks a lot Braniac. 100 years ago, we used to just hop a boat to travel to most other countries, too. (in fact wasn't it almost exactly 100 years ago that we had the Titanic to help us with that?) We also had the telegraph and the US Mail. But no penicillin. So, fuck you and your genius brain, fucktard. Of course it's still a 'free-country', and you don't have to listen to me. You're quite free to not fuck yourself; at least for now.

Sit-ins, protests and petitions, oh my. Surely the Powers That Be will listen to the voice of the people, right? Uh, I seem to recall something called the Zapruder film. So much for standing up against the fucks who really run things. Here in the good ol' USA, Congressmen, Senators and Judges (i.e. the Supreme ones) will continue to recognize which side of the bread is buttered. (did I forget to mention Presidents?) Biting the hand that 'feeds' you is not only dangerous; it's fatal. So, go ahead and voice your opinion. It's good exercise for the vocal cords, although that's about it. I've done a shitload of homework (research via the Internet) on these very subjects; you can too....for now. Or, as they say in the land of the once brave and free, "Hurry now, while supplies last!"

I think George Carlin was right; this world was doomed when it handed over the power to the traders and the priests.

Hey, for those who have lost their hope in a savior (alien or otherwise) coming down from the sky to save the non-wicked (is there any among us?), how about this for a solution to the foul mess that covers the planet: A huge fucking asteroid the size of Mount Everest! That would sure clean up the stench, now wouldn't it? Sorry, it's just my new religion; I couldn't help but try to proselytize.